With this technique, procrastination is terrified already.
Beast Mode, you might think, that I made up the concept. But, If you take a good look at it, you would see that it makes sense.
Just shut down the social media noises and get productive. That't it. That's what Beast mode is all about.
This concept can be applied in so many ways. In the gym, during study session, in your work place, while trying to get good at something, in your coding journey, and so many other ways
Give it a try and you would see how much you would improve in a short time. Again, this app is up to help you.
Alright. Let's discuss how the app works. The functionality is so simple. It is called the Pomodoro technique. You can read more about it online if you wish
The simplest heads up on how the app works is this:
Set the work time and/or break time limit of your choice. Click the ACTIVATE BEAST MODE button to enter into the beast mode
In this mode, make sure you don't get distracted. When the work time runs out, you can take a short break, depending on the break time limit you've set
For each round, you would get a tomato to indicate to you the number of round you've gone for the day.
You may wish to reward yourself after the day depending on the number of tomatoes you could complete for the day
Also, you should note that whenever you adjust the work time or break time, you should click the Update button in order to grab the changes
And, that's it. Enjoy!
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